The Twilight Sad/Errors Live - Aberdeen 29/09/10

A joint headline tour with Errors and The Twilight Sad; it is a bit like if Tunnocks started selling Caramel Wafers and Snowballs in the same bag, it is a fucking fantastic combination. Oh and they just so happen to both be Scottish.

An abundance of people wanting to cast their eyes on this treat means the Lemon Tree is pretty damn busy, rather impressive for a weekday in Aberdeen. The draw of each band’s different fans has played obvious advantages in packing out tonight’s venue.

First to bear the stage tonight were The Twilight Sad. Opening to lead song from recent EP The Wrong Car, it seems singer James’ voice is a little bit off tonight, it just seems a bit ropey for a start. However, James sings with such conviction that you quickly forget about the flaws in his vocals. It is at points like during That Summer, At Home I Had Become The Invisible Boy when James screams out “the cunt sits at his desk”, that Twilight Sad’s music blends into this great creative outburst of emotion. The sounds of Andy MacFarlane’s noisy guitar gently balanced between these vocals, and held together by the beating rhythm of the bass and guitar create such great effect of wrapping you in the warm blanket of their music. To bear witness to it is nothing short of bliss.

This blanket of music, unfortunately, seems to be going amiss on some members of the audience. Some just seem rather confused by this state of affairs, a little bit un-nerved. Well The Twilight Sad never really were going to be everyone’s cup of tea, they take a couple of listens to release their full magic, which is a shame really. Finishing on And She Would Darken The Memory, The Twilight Sad leave the stage having amazed some members of the audience and confused others.

Errors, having to follow on from The Twilight Sad, grace the stage opening to most recent album opener Bridge Or Cloud. Errors are simply infectious. Just about everyone in the room was dancing (okay... they weren’t, but they were all at least thinking about it). Frontman Stephen addressed the crowd with some generic sayings like “Aberdeen, you are awesome”, it is all very tongue in cheek. Later in the set Stephen proclaims he found someone’s one pound coin by the merch stand, and tries to find the owner, well you can guess how that went. Anyway besides their witty banter, Errors really are a treat to see live, finishing on A Rumour In Africa and Pump, they really do have impressive tunes that leave you wanting more by the time they leave the stage.

If you were not at Lemon Tree tonight to witness this, you missed out.

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