Maps & Atlases Live - Glasgow 08/10/10

Maps & Atlases are a somewhat confusing band to define. On one hand some might say they are math rock, others may say folk. Really they are neither… well, they lie somewhere in between. The lack of being able to define them makes them a very exciting band, and a little bit unique, especially with today’s contingent of identikit ‘indie’ bands.

As Maps & Atlases walk on stage you would be forgiven for wondering where singer and guitarist Dave Davison had gone. Well he was in fact hidden underneath a hell of a lot of hair, ditching his old short hair and moustache look for long hair plus more and more moustache look. He actually pulls it off well...

Striking the first notes of Living Decorations, Maps & Atlases get straight into it. They are, to put it lightly, catchy as fuck. Not in a Lady ‘will you get this bloody song out of my head’ Gaga way, but their intuitive finger tapping and clever drum beats stick in your head. As they pace their way through the rest of their set, it becomes evident that Maps & Atlases are a very talented bunch of people. Each member of the band is exceptionally good at what they do, and that talent very clearly comes through. Approaching the 11.30pm curfew, Maps & Atlases finish on Artichokes and clear off the stage, only to return to set up on the floor for an acoustic encore. It is pretty special.

Maps & Atlases’ songs work fantastically well acoustically. Playing You and Me and the Mountain stripped back, the crowd fell silent. In fact the highlight comes when just Dave and an acoustic guitar play The Ongoing Horrible. Using a combination of fret and guitar tapping, the song is very cleverly executed. It even got a sing-along going at the end, albeit the first of the night. Maybe that made it all the more special. As Dave bowed out to the appreciative crowd he let out ‘”Thanks Glasgow, we’ll be back”. Well, what else could he say?

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