Elvis Jackson - Against the Gravity

Elvis Jackson specialise in no-holds barred, straight-up punk n’ roll, and they are damn good at what they do. It’s no surprise, then, that Slovenia’s biggest rock band are turning their attention to the UK music scene.

Opener and title track, Against the Gravity, is a storming 3 minutes of bouncy punk joviality which sets the scene for the next 45 minutes. Throughout the album’s 13 tracks, Elvis Jackson take the best bits of bands like The Offspring, NoFX and Billy Talent and combine them to create a jaunty, poppy punk rock album. Sweet Perfection, for example, is a short, but perfectly proportioned potential punk anthem: at just under two minutes, it’s jam-packed full of punchy memorable hooks and killer riffs, while singer Buda’s Offspring-like vocals tear through the music.

On the album’s quieter moments, like the reggae-tinged Dry Your Tears, another side of Elvis Jackson is heard; laid-back ska and mellow rock balladry momentarily replace the breakneck punk, allowing the listener to take a breather before being thrown right back into the deep end!

And what better way to reacquaint yourself with Elvis Jackson’s more insane moments than with mid-album track The Burned Out Flame? Band members Berto and Slavc, guitarist and bassist respectively, play at an incredible, breakneck speed alongside drummer Soki’s thundering drums in an exhilarating 2 minutes of pure punk carnage!

With a 2009 MTV Europe Award nomination under their belt, Elvis Jackson have proven themselves to be major players on the continent. And it’s surely only a matter of time before they reach the same level of success in the UK.

Against the Gravity is out now on Antstreet Records
For more info, vist www.myspace.com/elvisjacksonband


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