8track: The Holloways

Let us take you on a magical trip back to the 90s. MC Hammer pants were all the rage and Walkmen were the height of new technology. Keeping this in mind, over the past few months we've been getting in touch with bands around the country and asking them to create a metaphorical mixtape containing, you guessed it, eight tracks!

This time round, we asked Bryn Fowler and Alfie Jackson of The Holloways to make us their ideal compilation, and it's fair to say that it is a mixed bag...

Title: Burning Down the House (live off ‘Stop Making Sense’)
Artist: Talking Heads
Reason: This is a band at their peak, with a song that is brilliant in its original form and made even better by this version. It always makes me start a funky walk down the street!

Title: Around the World
Artist: Daft Punk
Reason: Not a usual song from this time period but it brings back so many memories for me; the summer this song was floating about was one of my best as a kid. I think I was 15 and this song was the soundtrack for so many good parties and good times. Always makes me smile and drift off into a hazy teen memory!

Title: I Was Born (A Unicorn)
Artist: The Unicorns
Reason: This song reminds me of the band (us, The Holloways, that is) starting out as everyone kept playing it everywhere I went. It is a great song full of character and humour, but at the same time as being a great song… Good hook, good length and a good dose of funny vocals.

Title: Dedicated Follower of Fashion
Artist: The Kinks
Reason: I love the Kinks and this song is my favourite at the moment, I think it always has been. I love the arrangement in their songs and the use of backing vocals. I would advise anyone to get their hands on everything the Kinks did! Or at least a ‘best of’…

Title: Rocket
Artist: Smashing Pumkpins
Reason: It’s an audible smoothie of pleasure blended at zero gravity. I love it.

Title: Sofa of my Lethargy
Artist: Supergrass
Reason: It just paints a beautiful picture in my head of a post-party scenario with my best friends. I love it.

Title: Live Forever
Artist: Oasis
Reason: One of the greatest songs that inspired me to be in a band. It says so much with so few words.

Title: As Tears Go By
Artist: The Rolling Stones
Reason: What a beautiful song about reflecting upon childhood and wishing you were young again.

For more info on The Holloways, visit www.myspace.com/theholloways

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