Interview: Pearl and the Puppets

Meet Pearl. 2009 was a busy year for her: together with her Puppets she supported Elton John, secured a record deal and had a song played over the opening montage of an episode of Hollyoaks. We caught up with her to discuss the highs and lows of 2009 and the year ahead; but somehow ended up talking about tit tape, Twitter and 'little accidents'…

Throughout 2009, you supported Elton John, Alphabeat, McFly and Sugababes; you toured with Tommy Reilly; you played numerous festivals across the country; AND you had a song featured on Hollyoaks. What was the highlight of the year for you?
2009 was lots of fun and hard work, especially towards the end of the year. But I think the highlights were supporting Elton, T in the Park, and signing the record deal. They had those moments that you just never forget!

You took part in BBC Scotland’s Hogmanay celebrations, and simultaneously gained some massive exposure on national television. How was the experience for you?
Nerve-wracking! I was pretty cool with it all until someone mentioned the number of viewers, and the fact that it was going out live. (And my ‘tit tape’ wasn’t sticking during dress rehearsals!) It was such a good experience, and a real learning curve. It was our biggest TV performance so far. Everyone at the BBC was lovely to work with. Hopefully there’s a lot more to come!

We saw you at Belladrum, where you played a fantastic set, despite having torn ligaments in your wrist after you tripped over in front of a “hot guy” you used to go to school with. Did anything else funny happen during 2009?
Thanks! I loved Belladrum. Once I accidently signed ‘Pearl x’ for a petrol receipt whilst on tour. The cashier just stared at me when I handed it back. Doh! That was quite hard to explain…

Also one of the backing band (who will remain nameless) had a little accident on the tour van last year. Too many beers and no toilet…

You were part of the Homecoming celebrations at Glasgow’s SECC in late 2009. Did you feel like you were part of something huge?
I did. It was great sharing the stage with some Scottish friends and very talented people like The View, Twin Atlantic, The Dykeenies.

You’re signed to Universal Island Records, the same label as Bon Jovi, Mariah Carey, and (Hercules Moments favourites) Mumford and Sons. What does it feel like to be part of such a big and well-known family of artists?
It’s very daunting when you think of the success the label has achieved. I feel very privileged to be part of Island and I’m very happy with the Pearl team as they seem to be on the same page as me. Phew! I’m looking forward to working hard with them!

2010 will see you release Because I Do as a single, an EP, and your debut album. How are you feeling? Does excited even come close?
It’s just so strange! I’m excited and very keen to get cracking! At the same time, I had a meeting with the label at the beginning of January, and I think it just hit me. My life is changing, and slowly but surely becoming mental!

You have amassed quite a following on Twitter, and use it regularly to keep your fans updated on what you get up to. How important to you is it that you can keep in such direct contact with your fans?
I am the Tweet Queen! I love it. I think it’s very important to keep in contact with fans. They are the reason why things are happening and I want to give them as much as possible, whether it be updates on what’s happening; random thoughts going through my head; or just why I might be happy or excited about something! Internet is a big part of my job now….crikey.

Have you got anything else you’d like to add? A message to your fans, perhaps?
I had chocolate for my breakfast today. Boke.

With a single, EP and an album on the way, Pearl and the Puppets have their hands full. Their rising profile and presence on the UK music scene can mean only one thing: whether you’re Chinese or not, 2010 is set to be the year of the Puppet…

Find out more about Pearl and the Puppets at


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