Don Broco - Whole Truth

April sees iTunes' Best New Rock Act of 2012 Don Broco release new single Whole Truth. The 5th track to be taken from the UK Rock Chart topping Priorities, Whole Truth captures what Don Broco do best: a rock song laden with brilliant guitar work and pop hooks, topped off with Rob Damiani's unmistakable vocals. This Bedford four-piece seem to have done it again.

Showing off their talents using fast and slow vocals, riffs aplenty and a complimentary bass and drumline, Don Broco manage to, once more, unite rock and pop. This is a song that could get the tattoo-iest folk tapping their feet, yet at the same time I wouldn't be surprised if it was played relentlessly on Radio 1.

A song about when "you've been a naughty boy and cheated on your girl," Whole Truth manages to take quite a touchy subject and make it sound like the happiest topic in the world. This contrast is quite fantastic, and proves you don't have to be depressing to sing about things that matter.

Don Broco have released a fair amount of singles from their debut album, but every one, including Whole Truth, deserves to be released. One of the most fun records to listen to, their new single will let you in on exactly what they're all about, if you still haven't yet given them a chance (or you've been living in a cave for the last year). 

Whole Truth by Don Broco is out on April 22nd via Search and Destroy.


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