8track: Ed Drewett

Picture the scene: you've just stepped out of the Hercules Moments DeLorean and you find yourself in the 90s. MC Hammer pants and Walkmen are all the rage. Deciding to ignore the fashion of the day, you pick up a Walkman and head home to 2012...

Over the past few months, we've been getting in touch with bands, celebrities and more to ask them to create eight-song-long mixtapes for YOU. So crack out your Walkman and enjoy...

Pop singer-songwriter Ed Drewett from Essex first came on the scene on the BBC show Any Dream Will Do. He then collaborated with Professor Green on the single I Need You Tonight, which reached #3 in the UK chart, and he's currently working on his debut album. Let's see what he likes to listen to. 

Aerosmith - Don't Wanna Miss A Thing
This song is pretty self explanatory. Swooping strings, beautiful chord progressions, and a melody & lyric to end all others. In my opinion, one of the best songs of all time. 

Charles & Eddie - Would I Lie To You

I honestly don't remember how old I was when I fell in love with this song but I was very young. Mum and dad bought me the single on CD - it was probably my first CD! Funny how even at such a young age you're able to become drawn to a song. Still one of my favourites to date.

The Police - Message In A Bottle

Wow. What a banger. Sting & The Police have been a massive influence on me since I started listening to them properly when I was 17. The story & lyric to this song are phenomenal. Sting's voice, the melodies... I LOVE it. I choose this whilst wishing to be able to choose more Sting songs: King of Pain, The End Of The Game. Faultless.

The Eagles - Take It Easy
I started listening to the Eagles a few years ago. Their music, heavily country orientated/influenced but with a little more balls, spoke to me from day one. Take It Easy just optimises what the Eagles mean to me.

DJ Luck & MC Neat - A Little Bit Of Luck

Aha, back to the Old School. I was a massive 'garage head' and still not ashamed to admit it. The 2-Step beat is quite possibly my favourite. It's 'skippy-ness' with a massive amount of underlying drive & energy. Since age 14 I have been hooked on garage music, and this tune takes me back to those care free days. 

Rod Stewart - Have I Told You Lately 

Mum and dad used to play Rod Stewart in the car on our long journeys up to Scotland to visit family. I was instantly snatched by the songs; I would sing them til we'd finished the 8 hour drive. This song is very special to me; Mum would sing it to send me to sleep at night. Despite loving Broken Arrow & Motown Song from the album Vagabond Heart, this song is my favourite. 

Bobby Darin - Mack The Knife

Swing. It probably now seems cliche to talk about swing after all the cover albums that have been brought out in recent years, but I had fallen in love with swing long before. I was around 12. Mack The Knife to me was the start of it all. The song I first sang in front of my school in assembly, and the song I ended my set list with without fail in every pub, club & wedding I ever sang in. Introduced to swing by my Grandad, it will always move me. Despite being MANY other versions of this song, this is the one for me.

Westlife - Everybody Knows

A relatively unknown song. The B-Side to the equally fantastic Flying Without Wings, this song was my favourite. Written by 2 of the worlds best songwriters Wayne Hector & Steve Mac, who have become good friends of mine, I pretty much loved every song of every album. The majority written by these two lovely chaps. 

Check out Ed's Facebook and Twitter, or have a nosey at his website

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