8track: Carson Wells

Picture the scene: you've just stepped out of the Hercules Moments DeLorean and you find yourself in the 90s. MC Hammer pants and Walkmen are all the rage. Deciding to ignore the fashion of the day, you pick up a Walkman and head home to 2012...

Over the past few months, we've been getting in touch with bands, celebrities and more to ask them to create eight-song-long mixtapes for YOU. So crack out your Walkman and enjoy...

Carson Wells are a three-piece band from Aberdeen who are fine purveyors of emo-post-hardcore-punk-rock type music. They recently released their first album (from which Jen and Ally from BBC Introducing on Radio 1 chose to play a song) and completed a UK tour, and had one of their songs included on a recent Make That A Take sampler. Let's see what songs they chose for us!

Kaddish - Everything
Friends/peers from Dundee who have been around for over a decade plugging away playing hundreds of gigs. They have been a three piece for a couple of years now, which seems to have only intensified their passion for what they do. Best band in the world.

Converge - My Great Devastator (live 2003)
Ross: Seriously incredible footage of one of the best bands in the world. A massive influence in every sense. Proof that a band can continually push themselves and remain relevant, exciting, and inspiring.

Boilermaker - Slow Down
R: An emo classic. Gorgeous chords and vocal lines. Perfect for this time of year.

Bear vs Shark - Catamaran
Dallas: A band that Ross turned me on to. One of the later bands to come under the “post hardcore” category, but carrying on the tradition with aplomb. Kind of like Fugazi with keys, this song is the first song from their second LP Terrorhawk that sets the tone perfectly for an album that never fails to induce ceiling pointing on its listeners. 

Heatmiser/Elliott Smith - Half Right
D: The last song on Heatmiser’s last album, Mic City Sons, Half Right is the perfect bridge between Elliott Smith’s first band and his illustrious solo career. This album came out when Elliott had already released Roman Candle and his S/T LP, an influence that is felt in his compositions throughout the album. A real tear jerker that is apathetic but uplifting. 

Kolya - The Story Becomes A Vehicle
Huw: One of the best emo bands of all time. They have influenced the band in several ways. Rock-solid rhythm section, really interesting guitar parts, heartfelt vocal delivery and tidy lyrics.

Gnarwolves - Community, Stability, Identity
H: Awesome band. Songs written by bands described as ‘fun’ is usually pap with no substance, but these guys are great AND fun. This is just one of 6 tunes from a 7” released in June 2012, all of which are good. Sort of Weezer-influenced skate-punk. The musicianship is hella tight, but the beauty here is really in the vocals: classic punk dual vocal delivery tied down with some mega catchy melodies. 

Atmosphere - Always Coming Back Home To You
H: Slug is one of the saddest chaps on the planet and, should his stories be true, also one of the unluckiest. There is something very emotive about the lyrics and delivery that Slug brings and Ant props these up with some solid beats. They do up-tempo tunes with dat funky bass that everybody loves, but it’s here they shine:  slow and sad, with just a guitar or piano and a drum beat (songs like Guarantees and Yesterday also spring to mind, although the latter is a bit more chipper). The sung chorus to end the song is absolutely heart breaking and entirely worth the wait.

Check out Carson Wells's updates on Facebook or listen to their latest album, Wonderkid, on BandCamp. Their first EP is available to download from there too.

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