Dweller - Dweller

Until recently, something special was hidden deep within Aberdeen band Dweller’s vaults, waiting to break free. Recorded over a year ago, Dweller’s self-titled debut EP was this week unleashed on the general public. And boy, what an EP it is.

Beginning with a cacophonic blast of guitar, eponymous opener Dweller is a blistering onslaught of heavy, melodic rock. Distorted and driving, it’s the perfect opener and a hard act to follow. What does follow, though, is Lurker: a symphony of destruction, full of strong guitar lines and frenetic drumming.

Mid-EP track Killer slows things down for a moment, showcasing a tenderness previously unheard in the band’s output. It’s a welcome breather, and showcases the band’s skill and versatility. While there’s still an underlying feeling of menace, it’s the closest thing you’ll hear to a ballad on here.

The EP once again ramps up the pace with Diminisher, another stand-out track on this fantastic debut. It’s as catchy as it is heavy, and leads nicely into closer Deceiver which begins softly, lulling the listener into a false sense of security, before breaking out into a maelstrom of noise and devastation.

By the band’s own admission, their music is hard to pigeonhole: too heavy for mainstream rock, yet not quite metal, Dweller have crafted a stunning sound of their own. Throughout the EP, the vocals are strained just enough to add poignancy to the emotion-fuelled lyrics, without descending into a clichéd scream.

Having been featured recently in magazines like RockSound and Big Cheese, Dweller are most definitely amongst the rising stars of Aberdeen’s music scene, and this EP is a testament to that: it’s noisy, it’s brash, and it’s probably one of the best things you’ll hear this summer.

Dweller is out now on Undergroove Records.

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