8track: Buen Chico

Let us take you on a magical trip back to the 90s. MC Hammer pants were all the rage and Walkmen were the height of new technology. Keeping this in mind, over the past few months we've been getting in touch with bands around the country and asking them to create a metaphorical mixtape containing, you guessed it, eight tracks!

With two albums under their belt, Buen Chico are cementing themselves firmly into the indie-rock world. Morgan and Kirsty took some time out of their busy lives to let us know what would be on their dream mixtape...

Title: The Fun Powder Plot
Artist: Wild Beasts
Why it’s here: It was difficult to choose just one song from their new album, because it’s all ace, but this pips all the others for three reasons: it’s slinky and sexy, it sounds incredible live, and the line ‘this is a Freudian slip...my slipper in your bits’. No one else would dare write a line like that and I think they’re incredibly brave for going with their gut and doing something different and they pull it off with aplomb. Kirsty

Title: Dancing in the Dark
Artist: Bruce Springsteen
Why it’s here: Purely for the line ‘Can’t start a fire, worrying about your little world falling apart.’ Bruce can be incredibly cheesy, but he also seems to have an amazing gift for distilling human emotion into really simple yet pithy lines that make you want to go and be the best damn person you can be, at least for the duration of the song! Kirsty

Title: Only So Long
Artist: The French Kicks
Why it’s here: This band started off kind off NYC garage meets DC Hardcore, then went a bit noisy and noodly, then made this made this subtle, quietly poppy masterpiece called ‘Trial of the Century’. They manage a fantastic array of textures drawing from afro-pop, Steve Reich, post-rock, I don’t know what else, and they have soaring, yearning melodies over the top of it all. Morgan

Title: Slogans
Artist: Jeffrey Lewis & the Junkyard
Why it’s here: I love Jeffrey Lewis to bits, so it was hard to choose just one thing. This is the first song from his new album. I think he’s an incredibly intelligent, articulate, often heartbreaking lyricist but also knows his way around a pop song. This one’s got the best of both worlds. Kirsty

Title: Anytime Babe
Artist: The Research
Why it’s here: Their second album, The Old Terminal, was criminally underrated. This is probably my favourite song off it. It seems to be about the simple pleasures of domesticity, along the lines of ‘Wouldn’t it be nice’ by the Beach Boys. I love the line ‘We reside beside ourselves’. Kirsty

Title: A Spoonful Weighs a Ton
Artist: Flaming Lips
Why it’s here: The Soft Bulletin is such an amazing album that it would make any musician seriously doubt their own abilities. Except of course that Wayne Coyne manages to make up for having barely any musical talent, just by having an infectious enthusiasm and a big, big heart. This song seems to sum that up nicely. Morgan

Title: While You Were Sleeping
Artist: Elvis Perkins
Why it’s here: We don’t write many love songs but we still love them. This one describes the all-encompassing feeling of contentment you get the first time you wake up next to the best person in the world and watch them sleep. Morgan

Title: 25 Miles
Artist: Edwin Starr
Why it’s here: Buen Chico love to boogie, and this is maybe the best dancing song ever, complete with mega loud drums, ominous brass and the world’s manliest voice. It requires a reasonably sturdy dance-floor because you have to stomp pretty hard during the breakdown in the middle. Morgan

For more information check out www.myspace.com/buenchico

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