Seas, Starry Live - Cellar 35 8/9/12

Seas, Starry seem to be something of a favourite at Hercules Moments, featuring ever more regularly on the site supporting various bands we have seen, and constantly impressing us with their unique and well crafted sound. When I heard they were putting on a gig themselves, it didn't really take much persuasion for me to head down to Cellar 35 to see them again and hear who they picked to join them as support.

First up were newcomers Orienteering. Forming at the end of last year out of the remnants of local band Good Police, this evening was their first proper gig. Not that you would have been able to tell – once into the groove of things their playing sounded flawless, and it was a great example of how to make a three piece band sound absolutely massive with perfectly timed stop-start dynamics and a wall of noise.

Next up came [ ] (to save confusion, and as their Facebook URL states - it’s pronounced wall) slimming down on band members to just a bassist and drummer. Despite this, they succeeded in ramping up the volume and roar of noise to levels higher than openers Orienteering, with a sound I can only really compare to a more controlled and musical Lightning Bolt. Making use of a selection of pedals to vary the sound and odd screams of vocals they manage to take a very simple setup, make the most of it, and sound absolutely fantastic. Bonus marks for managing to slip in a quick homage to Focus at the end to confuse and amuse all of those familiar with the yodelling Dutch metal legends.

After losing band members and ramping up the volume between the previous bands, it fell to Seas, Starry to reverse the trend by filling the stage, floor and seemingly half the bar with the array of band members and equipment. I am not sure I really need introduce them if you have read much on the site, after reviewing them at previous gigs (supporting both the Birthday Suit and Joan Of Arc to be particular) but in comparison to the earlier bands of the night they knock the volume and more lairy sound back for a much more intricate and layered sound. Sadly in comparison to venues like Woodend barn in Banchory the simplicity of Cellar 35’s setup didn’t really give the clarity needed to fully show off their sound. Not something that stopped the band getting up and doing their thing though, as they treated us to a set of music from previous and future releases (including the custom between song breaks to tune) and showing exactly why we keep mentioning them here on Hercules Moments.

A great lineup and, in a cozy wee venue like Cellar 35, a great night.


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