Texas - The Conversation

Following a six year break, Texas have returned with brand new music in their 25th anniversary year, so I was excited to review the first single from their upcoming album of the same name: The Conversation.

My excitement was not in vain, as The Conversation is a brilliant track. Often, songs are described as “growers”; they are alright upon first listen and seem to get better each time they are played, but sometimes there just needs to be a song that has instant appeal. With this particular single, I was hooked in the first four seconds. The melody moves along at an ideal pace with the guitar riff and vocal patterns keeping it interesting and engaging, and none of it has been overdone: it has a wonderful simplicity that shows that, sometimes, less is most certainly more.

Sharleen Spiteri’s distinct vocal sound is what I have always loved most about Texas, and it is still a major part of their new music. It seems to me that The Conversation is a re-working of the original Texas sound: the essence remains the same but there is a modern twist that keeps the music fresh after the six year hiatus. 

There's a timelessness about Texas’ music that gives it appeal to many different ages and general musical tastes, and I am genuinely thrilled to say that this is still very much in evidence with their new single.

Texas have managed to bring out a track with enough of the old brilliance to keep existing fans in love with their music, and some fresher elements that should attract many others. The Conversation is a truly great comeback single.

The Conversation by Texas is out on 13th May 2013 via [PIAS].


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