8track: Fat Goth

Picture the scene: you've just stepped out of the Hercules Moments DeLorean and you find yourself in the 90s. MC Hammer pants and Walkmen are all the rage. Deciding to ignore the fashion of the day, you pick up a Walkman and head home to 2012...

Over the past few months, we've been getting in touch with bands, celebrities and more to ask them to create eight-song-long mixtapes for YOU. So crack out your Walkman and enjoy...

Dundee rock and roll band Fat Goth have been on the rise lately, with praise from Vic Galloway, Ally McRae, Rocksound, The Skinny and the BBC album review guys among others. Having played many a successful gig and appeared at a few festivals, their loud and weird brand of metal has assured an increasing number of fans. Let's see what they listen to in their spare time. 

Torche - In Pieces
Any song from this album would do, they're all killer, but this one is my favourite track. Slightly meaner sounding than the other songs, with an absolutely amazing and weird-feeling syncopated rhythm switch in the middle of the song. Harmonicraft by Torche is pretty much my album of 2012. An amazing marriage of power pop rock with really heavy, sludgy guitar sounds.

Deerhoof - Bad Kids To The Front
Deerhoof pretty much have no bad albums, they're always surprising and somewhat off kilter and this new album Breakup Song is the oddest and most unexpected record that they've put out. I think I remember reading somewhere that Deerhoof now intend on writing and recording all of their music collaboratively using pro tools on laptops and this record certainly sounds like it. Not really a conventional rock album but it's incredible, and this is one of the oddest tracks from it. It's got a bit of an electronic Stone Roses vibe, weirdly.

Field Music - The Rest Is Noise
Field Music have gotten a lot of recognition this year with their new album Plumb but for me, it's smoked by Measure they're previous double...quadruple "magnum opus" as they say. 20 songs over two CDs without a single bad note or missed beat. I consider it one of the best albums to come out in years - if ever - up there with Talk Talk's Spirit of Eden and all sorts. Field Music are true music pioneers in our time and it’s a shame that they're not the most popular thing on the planet.

Tacobonds - BPM4
Of late, it's been nothing but this band; I'm blown away by how good their record is. They're a Japanese Post-Punk band from Tokyo that recently toured with us. They sound very similar to bands such as Les Savy Fav, Gang of Four, Rapture, the Minutemen, and a whole lot of stuff on Dischord records such Fugazi etc. but they're as good as their influences. They've mastered odd, off-kilter rhythms, constantly surprising with their weird syncopated timing and they layer on top of that some amazing Greg Ginn style guitar freak outs.

John Brion - Little Person
Despite my harsh, abrasive and somewhat rancid exterior I am a sucker for gentle, heart-felt, melancholic music, and this particular track taken from the Synecdoche, New York soundtrack is a perfect example. The film is as pretentious as they come but this song is undeniably brilliant, thanks in no small part to Deanne Storey's voice. I dunno, I'd like to cover this with Fat Goth but trying to persuade Mark to slow things down to this kind of tempo is more difficult than establishing peace in the Middle East.

The Melvins - Dry Drunk
I bang on about The Melvins and The Jesus Lizard all the time to anyone in my immediate vicinity. I love both bands equally so I was presented with a problem when it came to choosing one over the other for this recommendation list. Luckily for me this little ditty exists on The Melvins' Crybaby album and features the vocal 'talents' of David Yow, not to mention a bizarre interlude from Godzik Pink thrown in for good measure. This tune is the musical equivalent of a sex pest falling down an abandoned elevator shaft.

The Beatles - Martha My Dear
I better include something people will actually be familiar with so I don't come across as some arty wank, despite the fact I did actually go to Art School. We all make mistakes in life. Anyway, this tune is properly outstanding! In my opinion, Paul McCartney's output in The Beatles was consistently better than the other three. I don't care if that's not cool. I've never been cool. The only reason people have ever taken notice of me is due to my general freakishness. Why stop a good thing?

Metallica - Battery
If ever there was a soundtracking competition for kicking someone’s head in then flying to the moon and eating it, this tune would win at a canter. Completely and utterly over the top and a regular soundtrack on our travels, this tune would make Mother Theresa in her prime want to drive blindfolded up a busy street.

You can listen to their music on Bandcamp, or find out what they're up to on their Facebook or Twitter

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