Trouble Books - Endless Pool

Ohio's Trouble Brooks' latest offering "Endless Pool" instantly fills your ears with its warm fuzzy ambient sounds.

On opening track "Endless Pool", you drift away with Trouble Books on their wave of ambient pop, and when Keith Freund's vocals kick in, they become somewhat lost in his droney guitar. However, this is by no means a bad thing, as these half-hidden vocals perfectly complement the indiscernible sounds of this magical wave.

Linda Lejsovka’s voice then enters on “Tolans”, creating a similar effect to Freund’s. These sounds are held together throughout by Lejsovka’s thoughtful bass lines, which help to create the loose rhythm which can be heard throughout.

Closing track “Tusk Love revisited” continues the themes of the previous songs, and brings your sonic-surf journey to a close, as you float down from this wave of fuzzy sound.

“Endless pool” really does take you somewhere else. Regardless of where you are, you feel as if you are lying, half awake, on a beautiful summer’s morning, without a care in the world. With this EP, you have your own personal utopia to escape to.


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